
PART I;-ExamgrandComNg

King Rehoboam was the son of Solomon, who had ruled over a prosperous and expansive kingdom. However, Solomon’s reign was characterized by heavy taxation and forced labor to fund his ambitious construction projects, including the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. This led to discontent among the people who were burdened by high taxes and labor demands.

When Rehoboam ascended to the throne, the people approached him with a request to ease the heavy burdens imposed by his father. However, instead of heeding the advice of his father’s counselors to show humility and compassion, Rehoboam listened to the counsel of his young friends, who advised him to exert even greater control. Rehoboam’s harsh response to the people’s request for relief further alienated them and fueled the growing unrest.

Another significant factor contributing to the division was the long-standing rivalry between the tribes of Israel. During Solomon’s reign, the kingdom was held together through centralization and strong monarchy. However, when Rehoboam took the throne, the northern tribes, led by Jeroboam, saw an opportunity to break away and establish their own kingdom. Jeroboam had previously been a military commander and had garnered support among the people, making him a viable contender for leadership.

Religious tensions also played a role in the division. Solomon’s later years saw the introduction of foreign gods and idol worship into Israel, which went against the monotheistic worship prescribed by God. This religious deviation caused dissatisfaction among certain segments of the population who remained faithful to the traditional worship practices. Jeroboam capitalized on these sentiments and promised religious reforms, appealing to those who wanted to distance themselves from the perceived corruption of Solomon’s reign.

The division was also fueled by tribal loyalties and regional identities. The northern tribes felt that their needs and concerns were not adequately addressed by the central government in Jerusalem. The heavy taxation and forced labor policies disproportionately affected the northern tribes, which were primarily agricultural and lacked the economic prosperity of the southern tribes. The growing sense of regional disparity further deepened the divide between the north and the south.

(i) Guard Against Excessive Power and Wealth: The lesson here is to be cautious and maintain a balanced perspective when it comes to wealth, fame, and authority. Excessive power can tempt individuals to make unwise decisions and lose sight of their moral compass.

(ii) Maintain Faithfulness to One’s Beliefs: It serves as a reminder to stay true to one’s core beliefs and values, especially in times of influence or pressure to conform to external ideologies. Strong moral and ethical foundations can help withstand the allure of compromise and ensure a principled life.


(iii) Seek Wisdom and Discernment: It emphasizes the importance of continuously seeking wisdom, discernment, and self-awareness. By cultivating these qualities, individuals can make sound decisions, avoid pitfalls, and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

(iv) Value Humility and Listen to Wise Counsel: Surrounding oneself with trusted advisors and being open to different perspectives can help avoid critical errors and promote better decision-making.

(v) Be Mindful of the Consequences of Actions: This teaches us to consider the potential consequences of our choices and actions. Every decision we make can have ripple effects, not only affecting ourselves but also those around us.

Humility is a character trait or quality that involves having a modest and unpretentious view of oneself. It is the ability to acknowledge and accept one’s limitations, weaknesses, and mistakes without arrogance or excessive self-importance.

(i) Self-awareness: A humble person possesses a realistic understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. They are aware of their limitations and don’t feel the need to boast or exaggerate their abilities.

(ii) Open-mindedness: Humble individuals are open to different perspectives and ideas. They listen attentively to others, value their opinions, and are willing to learn from anyone, regardless of their status or background.

(iii) Empathy: A humble person demonstrates empathy and compassion towards others. They are able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, understand their feelings, and treat them with kindness and respect.

(iv) Teachability: Humble individuals have a willingness to learn and grow. They are receptive to feedback, constructive criticism, and new knowledge. They don’t let pride get in the way of personal development.

(i) Improved relationship
(ii) Personal growth
(iii) Increased self-awareness
(iv) Gratitude and contentment

Paul’s teaching on the use of individual talent in the church can be found in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in his letters to the Corinthians and Romans. Paul emphasized the importance of unity and diversity within the body of Christ, highlighting that each individual possesses unique talents and gifts that should be used for the benefit of the entire community.

Paul compared the church to a physical body, with each member playing a distinct role. Just as the different parts of the body have different functions but work together harmoniously, Paul emphasized that every believer has been given spiritual gifts by God for the edification of the church. These gifts can include abilities such as teaching, prophecy, serving, leadership, showing mercy, and many others.

According to Paul, these gifts are not meant to be hoarded or used selfishly, but rather to be used in service to others. He stressed that the purpose of these gifts is to build up the church, promote unity, and glorify God. Paul encouraged believers to use their talents with humility, recognizing that they are ultimately from God and should be used for His purposes.


Furthermore, Paul emphasized the importance of recognizing and respecting the diversity of gifts within the church. He explained that just as the body is composed of different parts, the church is made up of individuals with various talents and functions. No gift is more significant than another, and every believer’s contribution is valuable in the functioning of the body of Christ.

(i) Unity in Diversity: Believers should appreciate and value the unique contributions of others, recognizing that each person’s gift is essential for the overall well-being of the church.

(ii) Humility and Service: Believers should not seek personal recognition or glory but rather use their gifts selflessly for the benefit of the community and the glory of God.

(iii) Purposeful Engagement: This lesson emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility for one’s talents and actively seeking opportunities to contribute to the community of believers.

Dorcas was known for her acts of kindness and charity towards the poor and the widows in her community. She was described as a disciple, which suggests that she was a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, she fell ill and died, causing great sadness among the believers in Joppa.

When the news of her death reached the apostle Peter, who was in the nearby town of Lydda, he immediately came to Joppa. Upon his arrival, he was taken to the room where Dorcas’ body lay. Peter prayed and then addressed her lifeless body, saying, “Tabitha, arise.” Miraculously, Dorcas came back to life, and Peter presented her alive to the believers, causing many to believe in the Lord.

(i) The power of intercession: The story demonstrates that God can work through the prayers of His faithful servants to bring about miraculous outcomes.

(ii) The importance of community and service: This account emphasizes the significance of community and service within the early Christian context. It reminds us that as believers, we are called to serve others selflessly and use our talents and resources to bless those around us.

(iii) God’s power over life and death: It serves as a reminder that God is not bound by natural laws or limitations. He can intervene in extraordinary ways, demonstrating His sovereignty and ability to bring forth life from death.

(iv) The impact of discipleship and mentoring: This highlights the importance of mentorship and discipleship within the Christian faith. The story encourages believers to invest in the spiritual growth of others, guiding and nurturing them in their walk with God.

After Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, he was brought before the high priest, Caiaphas. The chief priests, elders, and scribes had gathered there to find evidence against Jesus in order to put him to death.


Inside the high priest’s courtyard, many false witnesses came forward, but their testimonies did not align. Finally, two false witnesses came forward and claimed that Jesus had said he could destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days. Upon hearing this, the high priest asked Jesus if he had anything to say about these charges. However, Jesus remained silent.

The high priest then demanded that Jesus answer under oath, saying, “I adjure you by the living God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.” Jesus responded, “You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

Upon hearing this, the high priest tore his robes, accusing Jesus of blasphemy. He said, “He has uttered blasphemy. What further witnesses do we need? You have now heard his blasphemy. What is your judgment?” The religious leaders present declared Jesus deserving of death.

After the pronouncement, they mocked Jesus, spat on him, and struck him. Peter, who had followed Jesus from a distance, was also present in the courtyard. As Jesus was being interrogated, Peter was questioned by some people, and he denied knowing Jesus three times, just as Jesus had foretold.

(i) Weak faith or spiritual struggles: Some Christians may face moments of doubt, questioning their beliefs and experiencing a crisis of faith. These struggles can make them vulnerable to denying or rejecting God temporarily.

(ii) Persecution or fear of persecution: In situations where Christians face intense persecution, oppression, or threats to their lives, some may succumb to the pressure and deny their faith out of fear for their own safety or the safety of their loved ones.

(iii) Moral failures or temptation: Christians, like anyone else, can be tempted by various sins and may give in to those temptations, leading them to deny their faith. Guilt, shame, and a desire to hide their wrongdoing can contribute to such denials.

(iv) Cultural or societal influences: The prevailing culture or societal norms can sometimes clash with Christian beliefs and values. Christians may feel pressure to conform to those norms, leading them to deny or compromise their faith in order to fit in or avoid social rejection.

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